Monday, April 2, 2012

Abortion: An Issue Many Argue About By Brianna L. Darrow

      Close your eyes and imagine this: You are going to die. And since you have no say, you are tied up and duct tape is put over your mouth. You are now helpless and can`t speak. The doctor comes in and tears your limbs off, one by one, and then finally your head, telling your mother, who is the one who sentenced you, that you feel no pain. Your last thought before your head was ripped off was: why?

   This sort of thing happens every day, and it`s done to the most helpless and voiceless people of the world. Fetus`s. They are killed from abortion. Abortion is wrong, and anyone with a conscience will realize it, but maybe you haven`t been educated in the development of a baby.

   Now you may be like “Fetus`s are not alive. They are just a clump of cells.” Well take a moment and go to and find their fetal development chart. Click on week 7.  That is a baby in the womb. If that`s a clump of cells, then we must be even bigger clumps of cells. So then based on that logic, it would be fine to kill us too. This age you just looked at is also the age most people get an abortion. Abortion not only takes a life, it hurts the women as well.

  In addition to killing a child, abortion hurts women as well. There have been links found between abortion and suicide. Women who get an abortion are more likely to commit suicide than women who give birth.  Women can also die or become sterile from an abortion- Planned Parenthood Pamphlet 1963. Yet, Planned Parenthood tells women that it`s perfectly safe. The thing is there are many problems people can have with an abortion.[1] What could we have lost?

  Think about this: the cure to cancer, gone; the first person to land on mars, gone; the person who solves world hunger, gone; the person who causes world peace, gone; gone, gone, gone. Future problems that would have been solved, gone. Forever. We will never see those people again, because they are gone. Why? Because there is a very high chance that they were aborted. Can you imagine how many great people we lost because of a women`s choice? Rape is not an excuse for making abortion legal anyways.

   You may be asking “What about the women who are raped? Shouldn`t they be able to get an abortion?” Pregnancies from rape are very rare, and I have found many resources that say that. Also, only about 1% of abortions are from a woman who was raped. [2] And also, why should the child die because of the father? How is it justice to let the father live to do it again but let the baby die? And you may be wondering about women who have health problems.

  “What about women who have health problems?” That`s a good question. Only 6% of abortions are from health problems.[3] So what are the 93% of abortions for? They occur for social reasons, like the mother not wanting the baby.[4] Abortion harms two people, sometimes even three.

    What if a married couple was pregnant? Imagine how elated the father would be. He would probably tell everyone around him “We`re pregnant!” Why do people say we? Because it takes TWO people, a man and a women, to make a baby.  Now imagine how sad the father would feel if his wife came up to him and said “I don`t want a baby. I`m getting an abortion.”[5] Could you imagine how the father`s world would shatter right then? He would try to convince his wife not to, but she denies him and gets it. The once happy father is now the father of a dead child.[6] And Planned Parenthood is the only one who benefits.

   Planned Parenthood always talks about how they want to help women and how women deserve the right to have an abortion.  But what is their real reason for keeping abortion legal? Money. Just like everyone else in this world, they have a desire for money. They even have the abortionists fooled into thinking they are helping women, but the truth is that they are just getting money. How do they do it? They target helpless, desperate women and especially young women, telling them about the easy way out: abortion. They make millions on abortion, based on a couple of sources. And how are they going to keep the abortions going? By teaching children at a young age that it`s okay to have sex before marriage. That way, tons of young women will be getting pregnant, and in their panic, rush to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. Abortion also causes women to lose the respect they deserve.

    Abortion degrades views of women. It causes women to be seen as nothing more than a sexual object.  Since the men have nothing to worry about because they can always have the women get an abortion, women aren`t seen as the precious jewels they should be seen as. Men can use them and then throw them away without getting tied to them by a baby.  Abortion is very anti-feminist because it makes men able to have a way of using women. Before abortion, men didn`t have as much a chance of getting out of their responsibility, so they learned to wait until marriage and treat the women like jewels or gold.  Also, abortion lets men get out of their responsibility. They helped make the child, and so they would have to care for it. It makes it easier for them to get rid of the women, leaving her heartbroken, and doing it again. Selfish men can go about and make women pregnant for their own pleasure and then pressure the women to get an abortion. Once the women get an abortion, they can turn around and walk away, leaving the women all heartbroken.  Abortion will harm many people.

   Abortion is wrong. It causes destruction everywhere. To sum it all up: Fathers are left heartbroken. Babies are left dead. Women are left by their selfish boyfriends, could be sterile, wanting to commit suicide, and could get some form of sickness.  And the only people who gain anything out of it: The selfish boyfriends, and Planned Parenthood. At the heart of abortion are greedy people who are looking for ways to feed something that will never be full. Awake, and help these women who get ruined by abortion. Yes, the baby IS important, but we seem to care more about them then the women. It is time we went out there and helped these women. Come on, all you Pro-lifers and wake up Pro-Choicers. It is time we do something about abortion, about helping women everywhere.

 to you for advice. They are willing to have an abortion,if you decide they should. What do you say?"

The students gave various individual opinions,and then the professor asked them to break into small groups for "consultation." All of the groups came back to report that they would recommend abortion.

"Congratulations," the professor said,"You just took the life of Beethoven."


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